Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Organization in a 1:1 Classroom

To say I am organized is an understatement.  In my classroom, everything has a place, is color-coded, and labeled.  Now, getting 22 students to go along with that organization is another story.  But I try.  The organization involved with bringing Chromebooks into the classroom, or any device, was a lot more involved than I thought!  So Larissa and I wanted to share what we are doing to keep the Chromebooks organized throughout the day.

As mentioned before, our students have luggage tags on their Chromebook cases.  The cases were provided by the district, and are all the same.  This identifies their case from other students, both in our class and throughout the school.  These can be made any way you would like! These have proven essential as students bring their cases in each morning and pack up each afternoon.
When the students arrive at school, they usually leave their backpacks on a line by the playground.  This wasn’t going to work with the Chromebooks!  Over winter break, we stumbled on a great deal at Ikea for plastic bins.  These are set outside each morning and students place their Chromebooks in them when they arrive at school.  2 students carry in each bin to the classroom when the bell rings.
As students come in each morning, students take their Chromebooks out of their cases and places them in a dish rack.  I have 2 in the room, one for each side of the classroom.  Students store their Chromebooks here when they are not being used.  The dish racks were really cheap - one came from a resale shop and the other was clearanced at Bed, Bath, and Beyond and both have 14 spaces.  
They are a great, safe place for the Chromebooks to sit when they are not in use, and an easy place for students to grab them when they are needed!  The idea came from Pinterest, although I’m not sure who originally posted it.  My students leave their cases in the bins throughout the day, which I store under a table, out of the way.

What are you doing to organize technology in your classroom?  We are also working on some digital organization, stay tuned!

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